Who can register a gov.uk or ac.uk Domain Name?
The following links provide information on who is eligible to register a gov.uk or ac.uk Domain Name.
Eligibility Guidelines for a Name under gov.uk
Eligibility Guidelines for a Name under ac.uk
How do I apply for a gov.uk or ac.uk Domain Name?
The following links provide information about the application process for a gov.uk or ac.uk Domain Name.
New requests for an gov.uk Domain
New requests for an ac.uk Domain
How do I appeal if a gov.uk or ac.uk domain name is rejected?
If a gov.uk or ac.uk domain name is rejected the appeals process is given at:
Appeal procedure
New requests for an gov.uk Domain - Appeals
New requests for an ac.uk Domain - Appeals
What should I do if I want to change Registrar?
In this instance, the procedure for modifications should be followed:
Modifying DNS Entries for ac.uk and gov.uk Domains
What should I do if I want to change the nameserver information for my Domain Name?
In this instance, the procedure for modifications should be followed:
Modifying DNS Entries for ac.uk and gov.uk Domains
How do I modify a gov.uk or ac.uk Domain Name?
The procedure required to modify Domain Names for both Janet Customers and Registrars is available on the web pages at:
Modifying DNS Entries for ac.uk and gov.uk Domains
How do I renew a gov.uk or ac.uk Domain Name?
When a Name is due for renewal the Registrar that is currently hosting the DNS for the Domain Name will be sent a renewal notice. Upon confirmation that the name is to be renewed an Invoice will be issued. Further information can be found at:
Approved Registrar Membership Account - Renewals
How much does a Domain Name cost and how do I make a payment for an accepted domain name?
The cost to register a new Domain Name is £80 plus VAT. The following pages provide full details:
New requests for a gov.uk Domain - Payments and Charges
New requests for a ac.uk Domain - Payments and Charges
How can I cancel a Domain Name?
Procedure for cancellation of a Domain Name:
Cancelling Domain Names Registered in the DNS under ac.uk and gov.uk
How can I become a member of the Jisc Approved Registrar Scheme?
Information regarding how to obtain membership of the scheme is available on our web pages at:
Approved Registrar Membership Account
How do I find out who is already a member of the Jisc Approved Registrar Scheme?
A list of current account holders is available at the following URL:
List of Registrar's With A Janet Account
How can I check to see if the domain name is still available?
This link will take you to the Jisc Whois Lookup Service where you will be able to check if the Domain Name you wish to register is still available.
Is there any information available regarding Data Protection?
Full information relating to our Data Protection policy can be found at:
How can I contact the Naming Administrator on the Janet Service Desk for any enquiries not covered within these pages?
E-mail: domains@jisc.ac.uk
Telephone: 0300 300 2212
Fax: 0300 300 2213