
The Janet Community library contains documentation about Janet consultations, policies and services.
The Advisory Services area contains case studies, evaluations, and guides.
The consultations area contains details of consultations with the community.
Network and technology policies area contains some of our policies governing our network including the Janet Security Policy, Janet Network Connection Policy and Janet Acceptable Use Policy. This page can be accessed by the shortcut URL
Network and technology services documentation area includes support details, policies, application forms and further details as well as the technical guides.
You can click on the links with a folder icon that expand them to show the documents and folders that they contain. These new links will appear in the next column over in the library navigation.
You will need to click the links with a page icon to read them.
Each page has a space for comments so that you can share your experiences or comments with the technology, service, consultation or policy when you have registered with or logged into the Community site.
For more details on how to use the site, please view the how to use Jisc community section.