Library items tagged: connections

Isolated individual computers are relatively secure as long as their physical well-being is ensured and regular backups are carried out to protect the integrity of the data held. However, once computers are connected to a LAN or WAN, they become exposed to threats which may jeopardize their proper operation and the safety and privacy of the data held.
026 (05/08)
GD/JANET/TECH/010 (05/06)
​Jisc owned equipment held on customer sites Jisc deploys equipment to support a number of services including: Janet IP Connection – Network Termination Equipment (NTE) Managed Router Service – a router Managed Firewall Service – a firewall This equipment can be generally referred to as Customer Premises Equipment (CPE). The ‘Reasonable Care’ requirements below must be adhered to for all CPE provided under Jisc Connectivity services.
All customers who wish to report a problem with their connection to JANET should follow the route set out in their fault reporting letter. Contact information is sent to the management and technical contacts by e-mail on an annual basis and includes the current telephone, fax and e-mail address of the appropriate fault reporting contacts. For organisations connected to JANET through a Regional Network, this will be the appropriate RNO.
All organisations should consider producing a network disaster recovery document as part of their overall site disaster recovery plans. Points to consider include:
Please note that all Janet-connected organisations should advise their fault reporting point of any planned work on their local network that may make the site temporarily inaccessible. Arrangements may then be made to circulate the details to other Janet sites as necessary.
Scheduled maintenance work within Janet is normally timed to take place in the period between 07:00 and 09:00 on Tuesdays. All such work is advertised via the trouble ticket system. The Janet Service Desk will give prior warning to organisations directly affected by scheduled maintenance work.
The trouble ticket system was originally set up to share information about network problems and planned work between the networking experts who maintained JANET. Although access to trouble tickets is now freely available to support staff at sites with a Primary Connection to JANET, the terminology used in the tickets still reflects their very specialised origin.
JANET(UK) provides an escalation mechanism for customers who are unable to contact their nominated fault reporting point or are dissatisfied with the general performance of the fault reporting process. In either instance, sites should provide full details of their problem to the JANET Service Desk. The request will be logged and steps will be taken to address the problem. JANET(UK) will also investigate the reasons for the unsatisfactory service and provide a report of the action taken.