Library items tagged: jcs

Jisc's certificate service is available to any research or education organisation in the UK, as well as other public sector and not-for-profit organisations. The service is already used by:
1.  Definitions and Interpretation 1.1 The following definitions will apply to these Terms and Conditions. Application Users: means the individuals appointed by the Organisation to use the Certificate Service, who are authorised to request certificates on behalf of the Organisation. Certificates: means the SSL certificate or certificates signed by QuoVadis and issued by Jisc to the Organisation and its users, including Organisation/Business Validated (OV), Extended Validation (EV) and End User certificates.
Q. What organisations are eligible to join this service? A. Organisations can check their eligibility for this service here. Q. How much does a certificate cost? A. Currently Janet will absorb the cost of providing Janet Certificate Service, but from 3 June 2013 there will be a charge applied for obtaining SSL certificates from the service.
Step 1 In order to participate in the Jisc Certificate Service, you will first need to create a community account at, ensure to link your organisation to your Jisc Community account, see
All Jisc services are governed by the Janet policies. This page contains instructions for: joining the Jisc Certificate Service how to request a certificate It also contains links to: