eVA manuals for Administrators and Portal users

Content updated 12/02/2025
- Pre-subscription pre-requisites - SSO Access Management Group (UKAMF requirements)
- Setting up eVA users - the organisation's eVA Administrator
- Using eVA to create guest accounts - for hosts / events organisers
- eVA Web portal - Accessibility Statement
1) Pre-subscription pre-requisites - SSO Access Management Group (UKAMF requirements)
Mandatory pre-requisite: Attribute release to eVA SP: Guidance for UK Federation IdP Operators
SSO EntityID note: Your organisation account on the eVA portal is linked to your SSO identity provider entityID. If you make changes to the SSO IdP such as 'hosting the back end in Azure' one of the effects is that both the original Shibboleth entityID and the Azure (https://sts.windows.net) entityID will be returned to the eduroamvisitoraccess.org SP. The SimpleSAMLphp based eduroamvisitoraccess.org SP only checks the first entityIP attribute and will therefore not recognise the new Azure one and so login will fail. If your organisation is planning to make changes to your SSO IdP, you must build into the project a step to notify us of the date of the change so that we can make the necessary ammendments on the eVA portal. This will ensure minimal disruption to service for you.
2) Setting up eVA users - the organisation's eVA Administrator
Setting up eVA hosts/events organisers: eVA Configuration and Management
3) Using eVA to create guest accounts - for hosts / events organisers
Creating single and bulk group eduroam guest accounts for known individuals using eVA: eVA Create Temporary Accounts in Five Steps
Creating groups of pre-registered anonymous accounts and creating SMS self-service accounts for conferences: eVA Create Groups and SMS Events
4) eVA web portal Accessibility Statement