Authors and contributors

Scott Armitage is a member of the IT Services department at Loughborough University and works within the Network & Security Team. Scott has been one of the key people responsible for the deployment and management of wireless networking at Loughborough and is also heavily involved in deploying 802.1X on the wired network. Recently he has also been contracted to JANET(UK) as an advisor for the newly created Wireless Technology Advisory Service (WTAS).
Dr Alan Buxey has more than 17 years of experience in computer technology, building up a fundamental knowledge of IT from an early interest in computing as a teenager. During his time at Sussex University he managed UNIX servers including local networking and built on this at MSSL (UCL) where he was involved in Beowulf projects, Distributed Computing and introductory GRID projects. Alan managed the lead organisation for the East Midlands Metropolitan Area Network (EMMAN) consortium in then-UKERNA’s Location Independent Networking trial project which has become the JANET Roaming service where he works in a national technical support role. Currently entrenched in wireless, 802.1X security and deployment at Loughborough University, he is still an active participant in several key technical mailing lists regarding this sphere of technology.
As Network & Security Manager at Loughborough University, Matthew Cook manages the merged Network & Security team of over ten IT professionals with a remit to provide expert level knowledge and skills in the areas of data networking and security. The team supports the university-wide logical network infrastructure, both wired, wireless and the core networking application level services. As well as driving local networking strategy, he has functional responsibility and oversight for IT Security Policy across all areas of IT Services and the wider university. Matthew has an extensive knowledge of wide ranging operating system and networking technologies and has spoken at many conferences on various security matters.