Library items tagged: Videoconferencing

There are a number of issues to consider when choosing and preparing a room for use as a videoconferencing studio. Many of these issues should also be considered when preparing meeting rooms with videoconferencing facilities, or when setting up desk-top terminals. Studio planning and creation should involve personnel with responsibility for audio/visual equipment, computer networks and estates. Potential users of the room should be consulted if possible, and a visit to an established studio is helpful when drawing up plans.
Joining a Conference using Desktop Videoconferencing Desktop Videoconferencing guest participants will automatically receive an email with details of the conference (see sample email below). Within the email click the conference link Enter your email address in the form Click join videoconference to connect to the conference Sample email:You have been sent this email because Dr Lecturer has invited you to join a videoconference using your computer. Before the conference you will need:
From the Janet Videoconferencing Booking service (JVCS), select the Booking Service link - Please take time to read the details about our privacy policy and the Data Protection Act Before you can log on, you must register to use the service. Please select the No option to confirm that you are not a user and click Next. Enter the email address of the person wishing to login to use the booking service into the Email Address. Note that the email address must have a valid DNS registerd domain.