Janet Netsight

Jisc Netsight 3 - Re-engineering and future-proofing our Netsight portal
We are re-engineering the Netsight portal, through which your connection to the Janet Network, and any outages can be monitored. Netsight provides insight into the overall status of the Janet Network and valuable insight into the utilisation and performance of your connections. Available to all Janet Network-connected organisations, the portal has been in service in one form or another for over 12 years.
Netsight has become Netsight3, and has been re-engineered with a new traffic monitoring system, user interface and new user account management approach. The first focus of the project has been to rewrite the core code to bring the system fully under the control of Jisc.
More details about the Netsight 3 project can be found on our R&D Projects page.
The way you log in has changed!
Please note that previously one set of credentials were provided for each organisation. With Netsight 3 we have switched to individual user accounts tied to your work email address. Because of this change, previous Netsight credentials won't work with the new service and you will need to request a new account.
Old Netsight Closure - March 2020
The old version will be closed at the end of March 2020 - if you haven't yet requested a new login please do so ASAP. Also if you have Netsight information and reports populating web pages, intranet reports or operation desk systems - please ensure you migrate to netsight 3 and test these reports' funstion. Notify us imediately of any issues. Please email help@jisc.ac.uk with a subject line of "FAO: Netsight2 Closure Project"
Jisc Netsight is accessible here along with its user guide.
All Janet services are governed by the Janet policies.
As well as having a link to the Netsight end user guide, it would be good to have a link to Netsight itself: http://netsight.ja.net
It would be good to have a new folder "Network Overview" in the library. My first candidate for including in this would be the UK map listing the various regional networks and delivery areas, and showing these as coloured blocks.