Data Protection Regulation

The Guidance makes a surprisingly broad distinction between public and private sector organisations, even when they process the same data for the same purposes. This would remove important protections when personal data are processed by the public sector, and does not appear to be required by the General Data Protection Regulation that the Guidance aims to implement.
19 April 2017 at 9:40am
While some have viewed the General Data Protection Regulation's approach to consent as merely adjusting the existing regime, the Information Commissioner's draft guidance suggests a more fundamental change: "a more dynamic idea of consent: consent as an organic, ongoing and actively managed choice, and not simply a one-off compliance box to tick and file away".
19 April 2017 at 9:39am
[UPDATE] a slightly revised version of this post formed our response to the ICO consultation.
19 April 2017 at 9:41am
Recently I've been doing some work with Niall Sclater on how education organisations might inform students about the use of learning analytics, and when they might seek students' consent. The resulting blog post is at
These are Jisc's comments on the Article 29 Working Party's Guidelines on the Right to Data Portability (WP242).
19 April 2017 at 9:43am
After (too) many years, I’ve turned the ideas from my original TF-CSIRT documents into a formal academic paper, which has just been published in the open access law journal, SCRIPTed: Andrew Cormack, "Incident Response: Protecting Individual Rights Under the General Data Protection Regulation", (2016) 13:3 SCRIPTed 258
19 April 2017 at 9:42am
[Update: Jisc has responded to the Working Party's invitation to comment on these guidelines]
25 April 2017 at 2:30pm
[UPDATE: the Irish GDPR coalition have a nice infographic on information lifecycles under the GDPR] Anyone who has looked at an information security standard is likely to be familiar with the idea of an Information Asset Register. These cover the What and Where of information that an organisation relies on: what information do we hold, and where is it kept.
19 April 2017 at 9:46am
Although the Information Commissioner's "Twelve Steps to Prepare" is an excellent guide to what organisations need to do in the eighteen months before the General Data Protection Regulation  becomes UK law in May 2018, following them in order from 1 to 12 may n
19 April 2017 at 9:46am
The recent European Court case of Breyer v Germany provides welcome support for those who wish to protect the security of on-line services.
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