Appendix 2: Table of VPN-enabling technologies
Technology |
Provisioned by |
Security |
Private user address space |
Independent transport technology for end user sites |
Improved performance (guaranteed bandwidth, limits for delays and loss) |
Multi-domain capability |
Multicast support |
Scalability and configuration complexity / automation software |
Encrypted VPN (IPSec or SSL based secure channels) Two versions: - remote access, when a user accesses the central site of an organisation - site-to-site, when sites of an organisation connected to each other create a mesh. |
Mostly: IT Support staff of an organisation. Quite rare: by a provider who manages VPN gateways on the central site and VPN software clients on remote PCs. |
Confidentiality – excellent as all fields of packet can be encrypted. protection of end site – good as only VPN end-point need have an Internet-routable address. |
Yes |
In practice, no, as the two currently popular technologies – IPSec and SSL – are IP-oriented. |
QoS Yes, as security tunnels are transparent for providers. neutral |
In practice probably not, but there is an ongoing activity in IETF. |
Scalability is an issue in the case of site-to-site as number of tunnels is proportional to N2 of sites if a full mesh is configured. Remote access version is much more scalable as it uses the hub-and-spoke topology. |
GRE or L2TP tunnels-based VPN |
Users and providers |
Confidentiality – encryption can be added on top of tunnels. Protection of end site – moderate: only the paired endpoint can insert traffic into the tunnel. |
Yes |
Yes, packets/ frames of different technologies – ‘passengers’ could be encapsulated in IP. |
QoS neutral |
Yes, as tunnels are transparent for intermediate providers. |
Yes |
Scalability is an issue as number of tunnels is proportional to N2 of sites if a full mesh is configured. |
Policy-based routing VPN (no tunnelling) |
Providers |
Confidentiality – no. Protection of end site – possible if policy only permits traffic from other trusted sites. |
No |
No |
Possible stronger basis for QoS as control over flows is tighter than for a plain IP network. |
Yes |
Yes |
Poor scalability as specific routes for VPN flows need to be configured manually at every router. |
MPLS VPN (layer 2 or 3) |
Providers |
Confidentiality – moderate: traffic is protected by separation due to using different LSPs; independent tests have showed good degree of protection. Protection of end site – possible if the site only accepts MPLS tagged traffic (as for (3)). |
Yes |
Yes |
Advanced support for guaranteed QoS if provider supports MPLS-based traffic engineering. |
Not widespread, but some providers have started to do this. |
Not in practice yet; however there is an IETF development activity. |
Quite good scalability as it is possible to use hierarchy of MPLS VPN providers. Provisioning automation software exists from Cisco® (probably from Juniper as well); no information at present about its usefulness/ convenience. |
SDH and DWDM private optical networks |
Providers and customers (through software like UCLP from CANARIE) |
Confidentiality – good (network provider may be able to read traffic unless additional encryption is used). Protection of end site – excellent. |
Yes |
Yes, including non-standard physical coding of optical signals. |
Yes: excellent performance is provided natively as it is circuit-switched technology which guarantees bandwidth per user. |
Unknown |
No, it uses point-to-point circuits. |
Poor, as it needs manual configuration of every point-to- point connection. Another negative factor is a shortage of wavelength in most DWDM backbones (no more than 40 generally). |
None of the technologies listed in the table improves performance natively. However this can be done by deploying QoS across networks. For example, if IP QoS is implemented over the whole path of the L2TP tunnel it can give some guarantee of performance/bandwidth to tunnelled traffic. However, some of the VPN-enabling technologies can be called QoS supportive as they have functionality which can simplify QoS deployment or strengthen QoS guarantees. Other VPN-enabling technologies are QoS neutral as they have no additional functionality which QoS can exploit and benefit from; their traffic looks like standard IP traffic. Of course, both QoS supportive and QoS neutral VPN-enabling technologies can benefit from QoS if it is deployed across a network but in the case of QoS supportive technology the level of QoS guarantees tends to be higher and QoS deployment tends to be simpler. There are some VPN-enabling technologies which have built-in QoS functionality, e.g. ATM and some versions of Frame Relay, but they are rather in decline and not in widespread use within Janet.