Call for Partipation - OpenRoaming Collaborative Investigation and Trial 2023

Effective 12/06/2023
Call for Participation
eduroam(UK) is seeking to enlist a small number (2-3) of organisations that are actively participating in eduroam to take part in a collaborative investigation and limited-scope trial implementation of OpenRoaming (OR). An eduroam-OpenRoaming proxy server has been implemented by eduroam(UK) that will underpin the trial investigation. This will be further developed during the course of the trial and will enable the 802.1X-based authentication ecosystems of OpenRoaming and eduroam to interoperate, to a limited extent - with the main benefit being the expansion of the range of service locations where eduroam users can connect.
Aims of the trial:
- Enlist small number of participants to explore and trial OpenRoaming in the eduroam community
- Develop low entry barrier solution for participants to enable own users to roam to OpenRoaming venues
- Establish OpenRoaming on-campus trial-only Wi-Fi SP services for testing setup of devices to work with OpenRoaming
- Build a knowledge base of client devices (hardware and operating systems) that reliably support OpenRoaming
- Develop documentation to guide eduroam member organisations in how to set up devices to work with OpenRoaming
- Produce documentation to help eduroam member organisations to implement OR to complement their existing eduroam services
- Further develop the eduroam(UK)-OpenRoaming proxy server to support the trial as it evolves
To find out more please see OpenRoaming Trial Outline for Participants
If you have any questions or would like to discuss the trial please e-mail us at, alternatively both Stefan and Ed are available on Teams. Also, Ed will be available at Networkshop2023 14-15 June 2023.
How to Request to Participate in the Investigation and Trial
If you would like to join the trial please let us know by completing the >>expression of interest form<<
Whilst there is no formal cut off date, please get back to us by the end of July at the latest. This will allow sufficient time get the necessary infrastructure in place and configured and leave you with a good period for testing device connectivity.