Janet Aurora

JANET Aurora is a dark-fibre network to support research on photonics and optical systems.
It interconnects research groups at four Universities, and provides access to intermediate locations along each fibre path where additional equipment can be sited. This is a national facility funded by HEFCE via JISC, and if projects require it, the Janet Lightpath service can provide circuits for use as an access mechanism to other locations on Janet, and also internationally. Janet Aurora will enable research groups to pursue their research with minimal constraints, and in a way that would be impossible on a production network carrying real traffic. This network will allow researchers to trial prototype equipment and test advanced network architectures and technologies under real operational conditions.
Janet Aurora is already creating opportunities for UK based and international research collaborations. The network is scheduled to support several nationally and EU funded research projects that lead the academic effort. If you are interested in using Janet Aurora to support a research project, or would like to discuss Aurora at greater length, please contact David Salmon.