Contact CSIRT

Team contact details
You can contact Jisc (formerly Janet) CSIRT by email (preferred) or telephone during service hours; or by post.
Email: Telephone: 0300 999 2340 |
Jisc CSIRT |
* For enquiries relating to Security Contacts please contact the Jisc Service Desk,
Public key information
Jisc CSIRT uses PGP (normally GnuPG or OpenPGP) to ensure the integrity, and when appropriate the privacy, of email messages; and we encourage you to do the same when you write to us.
The public key of the team is available at public keyservers worldwide.
- CSIRT public key (opens in a new window) for the role address
(keyID 0x4EC70D66, accessible on the international key servers). - (Public key for the old role address, keyID 0x836D7141).
Service Hours
08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday (exceptions below) |
Full service | Jisc CSIRT will respond to emails and telephone calls within one hour. |
18:00 to 00:00 Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00 Saturday and Sunday (inclusive of Christmas) |
Reduced service | Jisc CSIRT will respond to telephone calls within two hours. Incoming calls are normally routed through an answering service. |
These are generally days observed as public holidays simultaneously in all parts of the UK. Where festivals fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the corresponding public holidays are replaced by substitute days nearby.