Connecting to Janet

Primary Connections
All centrally funded HE organisations in the UK and centraly funded FE organisation, who take up the Jisc FE subscrition, are entitled to a connection to Janet
- Centrally funded HE organisations are entitled to a Primary Resilient Janet IP Connection, with resilinec up to 10GBits/s
- Centraly funded FE organisations, who take up the Jisc FE subscrition, are entitled to a Primary Janet IP Connection
- Organisations assiciated with the education and reserach sector also benefit from a preferential tarriff for Jisc services
A Janet IP Connection provides access to the full range of network services and support at levels specified in the SLC.
Other organisations may connect to Janet, provided they fulfil the eligibility requirements detailed in the Janet Network Connection Policy.
Overview of Connection Process for Additional Connectuions
The connection process is complex and involves many different parties, both internally and externally. The main point of contact during this process is the Connections Management Group (CMG). You can contact us on The following paragraphs provide a brief overview of the connection process, which is more fully described at:
Once the formal quotation process has been completed and agreement to proceed is received a contract in the form of a declaration letter will be sent to the organisation wishing to connect, this also contains login details for completing the web-based JCUR. Guidance is provided throughout the online process.
The completed JCUR is submitted online and the signed declaration returned to the CMG. All organisations should contact the CMG for advice and assistance with completing the online form.
In signing up to Janet, an organisation is also signing up to the Terms and Conditions for provision of a Janet service. These can be found at
The connection process is illustrated by this flowchart:
The Connection Process
As part of the connection process each newly connected organisation must apply for IP addresses from Janet and if required a domain name under one of the .uk domains, at no charge subject to availability and eligibility. The Connections Management Section provides customers with information about the progress of their connection and can also deal with any queries that arise during this process.
Making a Connection Ready for Use
A connection is considered to be ready for use after:
- the circuit has been delivered
- IP addresses have been assigned
- all the cabling from the router to the NTU at both the connecting organisation and RNO are in place
- the organisation's router has been configured
- the backbone routing is in place
- a new domain name, if required, has been approved and delegated, and the customer has supplied the nameserver names and IP addresses.
However, it is recognised that the customer may not be using the circuit at this point if there are still unresolved issues or testing is required. The Connections Management Section will therefore contact the customer and ask for confirmation that the connection is in use. Once this is received, a date is agreed for invoicing purposes (for those organisations that pay for a connection to Janet).
Once the circuit has been delivered a Fault Reporting letter is sent in PDF format to the technical and management contacts at the organisation, which provides information about the fault reporting process. Fault reporting is covered in more detail in Section 1 of this manual and traffic monitoring is described in Appendix 9..
If the organisation is required to pay for the connection, an invoice for the charges agreed at the beginning of the process is sent after the Connections Management Section has checked that the customer is satisfied with the connection.
Further information about DNS, IP addresses, routers and e-mail is available in more detail elsewhere in this manual.
All organisations connecting to Janet must discuss any plans to retain or install an additional Internet connection through a commercial ISP with Janet. There are a number of implications and technical issues associated with multi-homing arrangements of which an organisation should be fully aware before an agreement is made with another ISP. Janet may make a charge for the increased amount of central administration and technical effort required (e.g. effective filters, aggregation rules) if a multihoming facility is provided.
Please contact the CMG for further information.
If an organisation connecting to Janet does not wish to set up a web server, it may be permitted to maintain an existing domain name and web site through a commercial ISP, subject to the preceding provisos about multihoming. Customers should contact the CMG.
Responsibilities of Janet-Connected Organisations
Once a site is connected to Janet it is expected to take responsibility for the following:
- ensuring that users accessing Janet through the organisation's connection are aware of the Janet AUP and Security Policy
- providing a secure environment for the Janet equipment installed on site
- providing technical staff with access to the Janet equipment on site
- monitoring the performance of its connection and reporting suspected faults promptly through the agreed channels
- providing assistance to Janet and law enforcement agencies in tracking down criminal activity
- appointing listed contacts (and where possible, deputies) for liaison functions and advising the Janet Service Desk when these change.
Acceptable Use of the Network
All organisations connected to Janet are subject to the Janet AUP. This permits Janet to be used for any purpose that is legal, that is socially acceptable to the community Janet serves, and that does not cause degradation of the performance of the network beyond that which might reasonably be expected. All use of the network does, of course, have an impact on performance; the intent is to prevent reckless or inconsiderate activities by users at one organisation causing inconvenience to others. It is important that all users of the network are aware of the AUP. Connected organisations are therefore encouraged to set up a local AUP and require users to sign up to it. Some pointers on how to set up an AUP are provided in Section 9.
Further information about the Janet AUP is provided in Section 9 and at
Recording Essential Information
It is recommended that all organisations maintain a record of information that is essential to running their Janet connection. The Record of Network Information and Contacts form at Appendix 3 can be used to record information such as IP addresses and domain names. This record will not only be a quick reference source for the member of staff who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the site network, but will also provide vital background information for new or temporary staff.
Contacts at Janet-Connected Organisations
The Janet Service Desk should be advised of any changes to site contact names or addresses. Janet cannot ensure that important information about the network reaches each organisation if contact details are not kept up to date. For example, changes to the fault reporting information may not reach management and operational/technical contacts, or information about security threats might not be passed to the security contact.
The Janet Service Desk sends Janet customers a Contacts form to amend each year but ideally sites should provide details of changes as they occur. Customers may wish to consider using generic e-mail addresses for the roles, e.g.
Responsibilities of Janet Contacts
At least one named contact must be provided for the technical, management and security roles, even if the same person is covering each one. The following notes explain what is generally expected of each contact.
Management Contact
The management contact must be able to make decisions relating to, and have the authority to contract for, the Janet connection. This contact is also required to sign the declaration of compliance with the Janet AUP and Security Policy (the Connection Agreement). Janet(UK) usually passes this contact's details to RIPE, the Internet registry for Europe, as the 'owner' of the IP addresses that are being requested, because this is normally the person in overall charge of IP address assignment for the organisation. However, you can specify an alternative RIPE contact on the JCUR if this is not appropriate. The management contact will normally be added to the mailing list for Janet News and similar publications, and to e-mail lists for news and support items.
Technical Contact
The technical contact is usually responsible for day-to-day decision making on technical issues concerning the organisation's network and the Janet connection. The name of this contact will normally be passed to RIPE, unless you provide an alternative contact on the JCUR.
Computer Security Contact
The Janet Security Policy requires organisations with Primary Connections to nominate one or more people to be the first point of contact in dealing with any security incident that affects the organisation. The nominated contact is expected to be someone with technical knowledge and also with management authority since they may be asked to disconnect a computer from the network as a matter of urgency. Since it may be necessary to speak to a security contact at short notice, organisations may wish to nominate more than one person. However, in these circumstances they are expected to share information about current incidents. Ideally, an out-of-hours telephone number should be provided for these contacts.
When a message relating to an incident is sent, it is important that the security contact acknowledges that it has been received and that the problem is being investigated. If Janet CSIRT does not hear from the security contact that progress is being made to contain and resolve the incident then they are likely to escalate the problem through management to protect the operation of the network. The security contact will also receive general security information from Janet CSIRT relating to the prevention of security incidents. The contact is expected to pass these to appropriate people within their organisation and ensure that appropriate preventive action is taken.
Security contacts are also responsible for the activities of any Sponsored and Proxy Connections hosted by their organisation, and need to ensure that they are able to communicate quickly with those sites in case of problems. Security contacts are added to the UK Security JISCmail list and the mailing list for Janet News. Names and phone numbers of security contacts may also be given to law enforcement agencies if their investigations involve a Janet site.
Out-of-hours Contact
Technical, operational or security problems may arise outside normal working hours. It is therefore essential that the out-of-hours contact is available and has sufficient authority to take the appropriate action when such problems occur, such as Janet CSIRT needing to make an organisation aware of a security threat. If it is not possible to contact an organisation when necessary then Janet(UK) will take whatever action is needed to protect the Janet network, even if this involves disrupting the service to an individual organisation.
Upgrading a Janet Connection
All enquiries about upgrading a connections (irrespective of the method of connection) must be directed to the CMG. They will be able to advise on the procedure and funding arrangements for the upgrade. Note that the cost of the upgrade might be the responsibility of the site requesting the increase in bandwidth. In these instances the CMG can also provide details of the tariff that applies.
Overview of the Process
The upgrade procedure has many similarities with the standard connection process. In each case a formal request for an upgrade should be sent by e-mail to CMG, who will acknowledge the enquiry, and confirm the arrangements and, if appropriate, the charges. Some upgrades require the installation of a new circuit whereas others can be achieved by the circuit supplier making a few adjustments to the existing access circuit. The organisation will be asked to confirm acceptance of the offer by e-mail and will also be required to complete the appropriate paperwork.
The CMG advises the nominated installation contact of the progress of the order at each stage of the upgrade process and deals with any queries. When the upgrade is complete, steps will be taken to cancel the redundant circuit (if appropriate). The customer is then sent an invoice for the cost of the upgrade, if a charge is to be made.
Moving a Janet Connection
If it becomes necessary for a customer to relocate the equipment connected to its access circuit to another building, or to another part of the building in which it is housed, the Connections Management Section must be advised. In many cases the access circuit is leased by Janet and the supplier will not take any action unless the arrangements for the relocation are made through Janet. If there is no record of who leases the access circuit, the customer should contact the CMG for clarification.
The customer will be required to meet the charges levied by the circuit supplier, if the move is made at the customer's request. In these circumstances the Connections Management Section will obtain a quote for the cost of the work and ask the customer to accept responsibility for the charges in writing, or by e-mail, before the work is carried out.
Disconnection from Janet
An organisation may cancel its connection to Janet at any stage. However, if the notice of cancellation is received during the first year of service, a charge may be made equal to the residual rental (from the circuit supplier) of the access circuit for the remainder of the contract, plus a charge to cover administrative costs. After the end of the agreed contract term, a connection may be cancelled upon 30 days notice being given. Notice of cancellation must be made in writing by the nominated Management contact to
Janet will make arrangements for the return of the IP addresses originally assigned from the Janet allocation, at the time of disconnection. All queries regarding the return of IP addresses should be sent to:
Interconnect Connections
These are available to organisations responsible for the operation of a network, to connect that network to Janet subject to Janet and JISC's agreement. The network will normally be supporting the broader education and/or research community or be delivering educational services to communities that are not directly connected to Janet, such as schools. These are not subject to the Janet SLA. Only an IP service is normally available — other Janet services are subject to further agreement.
Further information about Interconnect Connections can be obtained from the Connections Management Section.