Case studies

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JANET(UK) would like to hear from any JANET connected organisation which has an interesting experience with voice IP technology which could be used as the basis for a case study.


  • University of Oxford created a more resilient voice services network with InTechnology                                                                                                                                                                                                                           In undertaking a pilot project to create a more resilient voice services network, iOxford University found InTechnology to be the only vendor that was Janet-connected and which didn’t have an unnecessarily long lead time or extra-cost network circuits.
  • Brunel University: A Converged Network Running Voice Data and Other Services
    Brunel University has managed one of the first converged networks running data, voice and other services since 1999. This case study outlines some of the key drivers behind and experiences of this implementation and the strategy for IP communications that is going forward. Through example and experience, this highlights for the reader how to approach this type of project, regardless of the technology or vendor chosen.
  • Deploying IP Telephony on Greenfield Sites 
    IP telephony is what is generally meant when traditional telephony is replaced with IP technologies – such as Voice over IP (VoIP) – within an enterprise or campus network. This briefing document provides an insight into the decisions behind and outcomes of deploying a VoIP system on a new campus site.
  • Lauder College LearningStream WAN and IP Telephony Solution 
    This paper describes the implementation of a LearningStream-based WAN and an IP telephony system over 14 sites across a large part of southern Scotland. The technology employed is multiple 2Mbit/s PDH copper circuits connecting back to one central hub location together with Cisco routers and a Cisco Call Manager system. The system deployed also includes integration with legacy Siemens Realitis DX PBX systems. A key feature of the implementation was the use of QoS traffic prioritisation over the WAN to support VoIP together with compression of voice sessions to enable operation over limited bandwidth WAN links. This paper considers the motivation for the project, the planning, the equipment and its installation. Post installation issues such as the performance and benefits are also assessed. The project commenced in 2001 and the final stage is ongoing.