Question: All Staff VPN access cisco anyconnect

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I am wondering how other universities are dealing with their staff access to VPN system.

I am proposing that we give all staff in the university VPN access without having to request it.

How do other Educational systems deal with this?



+1 -1

Hi Steven.

We *did* permit all staff to establish VPN ( from personal devices ) however we recently withdrew that service do to security concerns.
We will imminently be reinstating the service however we have since added 2FA and will now require those staff that need it a) request it and b) go through a validation process so we can be sure they are who they claim to be.

Depending on what can be accessed via your VPN I would recommend have controls in place to ensure that access cannot fall into the wrong hands (i.e. the hands of those who have found a way to compromise a member of staff's credentials ........).

Hope this is of use.

Simon (UEL).