Further information and getting help
General information on the use of QoS with networks belonging to the UK JANET community can be found on the JANET(UK) web site (www.ja.net). More specific information concerning QoS on JANET is located at [JANETSTAT].
JANET(UK) invites discussion of all QoS-related requirements, problems and suggestions with the community. Please feel free to contact the JANET project manager, Victor Olifer (v.olifer@ja.net, tel.: 01235 822243) directly or join and e-mail the QoS discussion mailing list: qos-forum@jiscmail.ac.uk.
7.1 Regional Network QoS Policy and Support
The JANET(UK) approach to supporting QoS in its core and the Regional Networks is defined in the JANET QoS Policy [JANETPolicy]. However, this policy does not necessarily apply to all Regional Network Operators and it is therefore recommended that interested parties should contact their RNO directly with questions related to QoS support in their network.
7.2 Customer Site Network Connection Procedure and Support
Requests for QoS-enabled connections to customer sites should be directed via the appropriate Regional Network. Alternatively, enquiries can be directed to the JANET Service Desk (service@ja.net) who can offer advice and guidance based on the request.