5. Book Quality Assurance (QA) test
Booking a quality assurance test involves the same procedures as for booking a conference. Visit the library page for details about booking a conference. The main difference is that by default, the support venue qa-jvcs@jvcs.ja.net will be added and ‘Janet Videoconferencing Management Centre’ will be an attendee.
5.1. Your Conference Details
Figure 1: Drop down menu of QA tests
Clicking on the QA tests '[+]' symbol (shown red-circled in Figure 1) will display the ‘Your conference details’ page as seen in Figure 2. The following information should be entered into the relevant fields:
Figure 2: Book a QA test Step 1
5.2.Conference Venues and Attendees
The name of the venue which is to be QA tested should be added. All subsequent stages are as described above (see section 2.1).
Figure 3: Book a QA test Step 2
5.3. Confirm Booking
Figure 4: Book a QA test Step 3
If the venue has IP and ISDN connectivity, a single booking can be made to QA test the venue for both. Please make a note if this is the case in the ‘Additional Information’ box on the ‘Confirm Booking’ page (Figure 4).
Finally, click the 'Complete conference booking' at the bottom left of the page.