Funder Dashboard
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Dashboard content
The dashboard addresses reporting requirements set out by the Welsh Government in relation to its annual Grant Agreements with Jisc.
The views are:
- Service usage – shows the proportion of the 13 FE institutions (Coleg Elidyr excluded as not funded) in Wales that use a Jisc service in the selected month
- Subscriptions – shows the services subscribed to by the individual institutions in the selected month
- Interaction – shows the number of meetings and events held between Jisc and staff from the agreed Skills Providers and FE institutions
- Page views – shows the overall number of pages viewed and sessions from Welsh FE institutions directly by month, with a breakdown for: Jisc guides, Jisc blogs, Jisc R&D project pages, Jisc events, Jisc Wales, and Jisc pages in Welsh
- Event attendance – shows the number of Welsh FE staff registered for an event in selected time period and whether it was a face to face or online event
- Network – shows the numbers of Welsh FE institutions with Eduroam and network connections and the bandwidth by individual connections by month for the last year
- Ebook savings – lists the savings by month using old calculation assumptions
- Availability – shows the availability of network connections by month for the selected time period
- Nation comparison – compares the proportion of FE institutions in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales using a service for selected time period
- Activities – blog style reports with examples of key activities with agreed skills providers and FE institutions
- Specific activities – blog style examples of activities fulfilling specific Welsh Government requirements
- Where appropriate hovering over a figure will give details including a description of the service.
- A comparison month on month may not be meaningful given the time of year and syllabus followed.
- The dashboards allow users to interactively explore data; they should be viewed onscreen rather than printed, although all default to an A4 view which means they are not optimised for online viewing.
- If printed they will show what is on the screen - not what data needs to be scrolled through to view.
We have developed a guide on how to use this dashboard which is available from Laura Pachkowski ( Laura is also the contact should access be required to the dashboard.
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