eduroam(UK) Membership Application
Application for membership of the eduroam(UK) Federation by an organisation can only be accepted from a director or network management contact registered with Janet Service Desk. In submitting an application to Janet to join eduroam(UK), organisations agree that they will abide by the terms of the Janet eduroam(UK) Policy and adhere strictly to the eduroam(UK) Technical Specification and accept that the Policies and the Specification governing the service defined by Janet may evolve over time. Terms and conditions of membership can be found in the Eligibility panel on https://www.ja.net/products-services/janet-connect/eduroam
For use only by organisations wishing to join eduroam. Individuals should NOT use this form; if you are a member of a participating organisation and you have a network logon account, you are already eligible to use eduroam- ask your IT Dept for further details or see Janet community web site.