Library items tagged: incident response

The following examples have been chosen to accompany the System Administrator's Charter to indicate how the charter is intended to work in practical situations. As I receive enquiries about the charter I will try to update these examples, so if you find an interesting situation which is not covered here, or a case that makes the points better, then please let me know
This document has been prepared by Andrew Cormack, Chief Regulatory Adviser at Jisc Technologies. It is endorsed by the Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association (UCISA). Members of the UCISA Networking Group were closely consulted during the drafting process.
Being the victim of a computer security incident is an unpleasant and stressful experience. In the spirit of first aid, these guidelines aim to provide assistance until expert help arrives.
This document can now be found at 
This is Janet’s response to the Ministry of Justice call for evidence on the European Commission’s data protection proposals. The JNT Association, trading as Janet, is the non-profit company limited by guarantee that operates the Janet network connecting education and research organisations in the UK to each other and to the Internet.
This is JANET(UK)’s submission to the inquiry into the EU Internal Security Strategy by the Home Affairs Sub-Committee of the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union.
Janet Policies All sites connecting to Janet are required to abide by three policies that set out the rules for access to, use and protection of the network. These policies are set by JISC, who fund the network. The latest versions of these policies can be found through the Janet web site. Janet Acceptable Use Policy:
Organisational Policy Incident response is a fundamental part of the organisation’s operation, playing a part in protecting both its services and reputation, so it must be included in the organisation’s policies and procedures.
The basic staffing requirement of an incident response function is that there be some individual or individuals able to receive and respond to reports during the function's operating hours. The speed of response should be set as part of the function's agreed operating policy, however the working arrangements should allow for emergency situations where action to resolve a problem needs to take priority over all other normal work.